Elsevier has published a special issue of Catalysis Today, in honor of Prof. Dragomir Bukur, a globally renowned expert in Fischer-Tropsch (Gas-To-Liquids, GTL) catalysis. The issue is part of the 2018 Bukur Symposium held in Qatar. Prof. Nimir Elbashir (Texas A&M University at Qatar), Prof. Angeliki Lemonidou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), and Prof. James Spivey (Louisiana State University) are the editors of this issue. The issue contains several research articles from our group, on topics ranging from computational reactor modeling, process plant techno-economics all the way to experimental catalyst studies related to Fischer-Tropsh and GTL in general. Publication details: Volume 343, 1 March 2020. ISSN 0920-5861.CATTOD_2020_SI_Bukur_cover
Catalysis Today: ‘Prof. Dragomir Bukur’ Special issue, edited by prof. Elbashir is published!
by Hulsebos | Jan 20, 2020
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